He is Certified in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Past-life Therapy, Crystal healing, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and Life Coaching (Spiritual-Emotional Wellness). Skilled in alternative modalities like Reiki, Angel Therapy, Karmic Clearing, Pendulum dowsing, Seven chakra healing and balancing. He is a member of the accredited institution American Psychological Association (APA), International Natural Healers Association (INHA) and International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA).
He helps people find their purpose, clarity, vision and mission, enabling them to identify their path that takes them closer to their dreams and goals. Having garnered with more than 15 years of experience in the corporate world. Have worked in fortune 500 companies and with premium clients in different domains and levels. Yatendra’s approach has always been professional, thorough and result oriented. He uses his experience, appropriate tools and necessary elements in his programs to bring about a complete inner and outer transformation in his clients’ lives. Yatendra has a strong desire to make a positive difference to people’s lives through his expert coaching skills, knowledge & corporate experience.
Yatendra has conducted several workshops on “Performance enhancements” at corporate levels and one o one sessions for individuals towards the idea of success, peace and happiness.